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11 Mount View


Alden Rose


Essex CM11 1HB

Certified Passive House Consultant

Member of the International Passive House Association

Member of the Passivhaus Trust


+44 1277 651000

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ID No. 65104

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Alden Rose Ltd


“I have been studying the causes and effects of Climate Change for nearly 10 years from an architectural point of view but the last few years have completely changed me.   The more I researched into climate change and the built environment, the more I wanted to understand the details and what we can do to make a difference. The last 18 months or so have been a tough time for me, I studied in every spare moment I had to gain qualifications in Energy Efficiency and received my Government-endorsed Trustmark in 2022, finishing with the International Passive House Association to become an internationally recognised Certified Passive House Consultant in 2023.  I have designed Passive houses for clients that are now being constructed and will also receive the Certified Passivhaus Designer seal later this year.  

As a child of the ‘70s, I have seen changes to the way we live caused by consumerism and corporations, increases in technology and the general pace of life.  I admit to being the same as most people, continuing along without considering my actions in a bid to make my life easier.

In the last few years we have seen a vast increase in extreme weather conditions around the world but the 40°C heat of July 2022 has finally affected the UK, with predictions for a yearly event.  As a co-owner of a new vineyard in Billericay, Essex, I can confirm first-hand that climate change has shifted weather patterns around us: France is now turning to UK vineyards to buy grapes as their crop production is being affected stating that the UK is now the best climate for wine. That’s good news for us hopefully, but it shows that the world is changing.

Throughout the years I have researched and studied, I have seen what other countries are doing to combat Climate Change and seen how far behind the UK is in adopting new methods, techniques and building standards.  We have a vast shortage of skills, manufacturers and supply chains which needs to change.

I believe that education should be free to everyone and have written a series of blogs to explain Climate Change and what we need to do that I hope will help raise awareness.  I have also written some other industry related news and articles and I hope

you find them useful. More blogs are on their way.

Thank you for reading!”      

Keeley Harris - Architectural Designer, Certified Passive House Consultant, Energy Efficiency Advisor

                                                                                                           (vineyard owner and costume maker!)

Building Control Explained

Energy Saving Tips

Starting a Vineyard - Our Journey to build a biodiverse

vineyard: Woodvalley Vineyards

Woodvalley Vineyards Ltd




Blog The Climate Crisis Explained Blog Climate Change

Scientists have been talking about global warming for decades, warning that we were heading towards a climate crisis.  As the term Global Warming became Climate Change and now recently Climate Crisis we have simplified the changes to our planet and explain the differences between Carbon Zero, Net Zero and Carbon Emissions and discussed what we can all do to our individual lives to help repair the planet for our future generations

The Climate Crisis Explained

Blog The Built Environment Explained Blog The Built Environment Explained

The buildings we live and work in contribute to over 39% of the country’s carbon emissions. From plugging in a phone to recharge it, taking a hot shower or turning up the heating to keep warm, we are increasingly burning fossil fuels that are sending carbon into the atmosphere where it can’t escape.  In this Blog we explain the role our built environment is playing in the Climate Crisis, the effects of our daily lives and what will happen if we continue on the same path

Our Built Environment Explained

Blog Passivhaus Explained Blog Passivhaus Explained

The world is fast adopting the Passivhaus Standards in all buildings, old and new, to create the optimum healthy living environment and help reduce our carbon emissions from the built environment.  The Passivhaus Principles have been tried and tested around the world for over 30 years creating ultra-low energy homes and buildings. As International Passive House Constultants, we explain what Passivhaus is and how it is achieved

Passivhaus Explained

Blog Retrofit Explained Part 1 Blog Retrofit Explained Part 1

The Paris Agreement is a legally binding contract that requires all countries to decarbonise by 2050.  The UK has predicted that over 25 million of our current homes will still be in use at this time. Without a Retrofit, these homes will still emit carbon at their current rate putting the UK in default of the Agreement.  Every homeowner and building owner needs to Retrofit their property by 2050 to reduce carbon emissions and energy bills.  With a Government-endorsed Trustmark we explain why we need to Retrofit

Retrofit Explained - Part 1 - Why?

Blog Retrofit Explained Part 2 Blog Retrofit Explained Part 2

As energy bills soar to the highest levels ever recorded, we take a more detailed look at how to upgrade our existing buildings.  Retrofit measures are expensive but don’t need to be carried out all at once, they can be done in a phased approach over the next 20 years but knowing what you should be doing and in which order to do it can be a minefield.  We detail the work required, the options available and the correct sequencing it should be done  

Retrofit Explained - Part 2 - How?

Blog The Global Scale Explained Blog The Global Scale Explained

France has recently implemented laws for all commercial buildings to have solar panels or green roofs by 2024, and Europe has the NZEB building regulations for many years.  UK building standards are falling behind the rest of the world as other countries adopt the Passivhaus Standards as a mandatory building regulation for all new construction. Find out what the rest of the world is up to, and see some of the amazing projects that are happening in Chile, Japan, China and India

The Global Scale Explained

The new Biodiversity Net Gain planning laws are due to come into force in 2024.  Initially for developments of over 10 homes, we will see tree lined streets, ponds on street corners and upgrades to Green Belts, managed for a minimum of 30 years. The approved expansion of Pinewood Studios comes with a new National Park to offset the biodiversity removed from the development.  See how our new planning laws are going to rethink the housing developments of old

Biodiversity Net Gain Explained

Blog The Planning System Explained

Obtaining planning approval for your renovation and extension works can be daunting to many. Finding out whether your proposal needs planning permission and which application you need can be confusing.  Here we explain the system from applications to approvals….

The Planning System Explained

Blog The Planning System Explained

“Education should be free for all” - Alden Rose

MMCs - The Modern Methods of Construction Explained

Blog Retrofit Explained Part 2 Blog Retrofit Explained Part 2

After the Industrial Revolution of the 18th Century, the UK saw a housing boom larger than any other country. Cities, towns and suburbs were created to make way for the increased wealth and population growth.  Today, more than 20% of the UK’s homes were built over 100 years ago, many are Listed Buildings or in Conservation Areas, but many have few constraints and homeowners are unaware that they should be using specific materials in renovations

Retrofitting Traditional and Historical Buildings